Sleep Dentistry
Sedation and Anesthesia services are provided by Dr.Jasdev Bhalla who is a board certified Dental Anesthesiologist
A Dentist Anesthesiologist is a dentist who is trained extensively in the specialized field of anesthesia. Training consists of a three-year general anesthesia residency that involves care provided in a hospital operating room, outpatient surgery center and private practice environment. Clinical training includes rotations in emergency medicine, internal medicine, cardiology, acute and chronic pain management, and many other fields. The dentist anesthesiologist is equipped with an advanced computer controlled monitor, pulse oximeter, precordial stethoscope, electro-cardiograph, blood pressure monitor, oxygen, all necessary medications and even a portable defibrillator (for cardiac emergencies). The dentist anesthesiologist uses anesthetics, which are administered intravenously and can be titrated for different levels of general anesthesia/sedation. The patient is continuously monitored during dental procedures and recovery by the dentist anesthesiologist.
Most dental cases can be done under local anesthesia alone or sometimes in conjunction with an oral sedative and nitrous oxide sedation. However, certain complex cases, anxious and special needs patients, and children may require a more controlled and deeper level of anesthesia. The degree of anesthesia in such cases can vary between moderate-deep sedation and general anesthesia.
Dental Sedation is a technique that can be used to reduce excitement or anxiety to allow patients to receive the dental treatment they need.
Varying degrees of dental sedation can be utilized as outlined below:
- Minimal Sedation: patients respond normally to verbal commands. Although cognitive function and coordination may be impaired, breathing is unaffected.
- Moderate Sedation: patients respond purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or by light stimulation. No interventions are required to maintain breathing. This is also referred to as “Conscious Sedation.”
- Deep Sedation: patients cannot be easily aroused but respond to painful stimulation. The ability to breath may be impaired. Patients may require stimulation. Patients may require assistance in maintaining a patent airway.
- General Anesthesia: patients cannot be aroused, even by painful stimulation. The ability to independently breath is often impaired. Patients often require assistance in maintaining a patent airway.
For a more detailed explanation please call Dr. Jasdev Bhalla at 905-573-6161 or visit